I told you I'd have a new video this week! I thought I was doing great, filming this one last Tuesday, like last week Tuesday. And then I didn't edit it until yesterday.
Way back at the beginning of 2020, I bought an iMac because I thought I wanted a desktop computer. I even got the biggest screen because I was making a ton of zines back then and I wanted the space. But recently, this year, I've been feeling a real resistance to sitting in that chair to work.
I thought maybe it was the chair (an old wooden kitchen chair handed down from my granny; two seat cushions stacked on top of each other), so I bought a new one from IKEA. The resistance remains.
Finally, yesterday, I airdropped the footage to my iPad and edited this thing in iMovie with my pencil. It was easier than I expected! (and titles were harder than they should be.) I got the work done even while pretzeled in my comfy chair (seen above).
This video surprised me (lemme know if you spot the moment I start crying). I wanted to do an unboxing way back then, and I worried I wouldn't be able to capture this moment—nearly two years post-release date.
Turns out, seeing your book as a real object feels good every day for the rest of your life.