sorry I'm late

sorry I'm late
Sorry I'm late. The bridge was up.

It's been a while, right? I don't know exactly how that happened. Oh, right. I got COVID in September 2022 at the same time I was making weekly videos on YouTube and getting ready to publish my first book and also cat-sitting for my parents while they were on a monthlong holiday.

I took December off, like I usually do, for Christmas and my birthday, and when I came back from a very wet trip to San Francisco, I just stopped. Everything. All I did in 2023 was work my 9hr/wk job and keep myself alive.

Now it's January 2024, and I had another birthday. December 31st for me isn't just a chance to try something new. It's a new year on the calendar and a new year of my life (42!), and I can't not make plans. More videos? Another book? Definitely wanna write more.

I missed you. I'm so glad you're still here.