It's Blaugust Day 2. I was kinda thinking I would change the title of yesterday's post before I posted it, but then I forgot, oops.

Remember how I ditched Notion earlier this year? I haven't really found anything to replace it. I wanted Apple Notes to be the answer. Using all stock apps is really appealing to me; I don't need anything more than the defaults. But Notes is completely incapable of handling anything longer than a grocery list. I got about halfway through importing the tangled mess of my second brain, and it completely ground to a halt. Just moving the cursor would beachball for a full minute. Unbearable.

So I'm trying Obsidian again, and I don't know. I don't like how code-y it is. And I really liked how I could make pages inside pages in Notion. I guess my brain thinks in nests, not links.

Back in May, I bought a bunch of new planners, hoping for a kick in the butt for the second half of the year. I'm using none of them. Please, please, the next time you catch me eyeing planners—remind me of this moment. "All you need is a notebook and a list, Jess."

But I need a list I can take with me, and right now, I'm in too many places. I have a too-big planner for YouTube stuff that I just can't carry in my everyday bag. I have a dot grid Leuchtturm I hate that I'm trying to use up with morning pages. I have Apple Notes on my phone and Obsidian on my computer. And then there are a bunch of draft blog posts here in Ghost that I forget about whenever I'm not in this tab. Object impermanence, baby.

I didn't post a video yesterday for two reasons:

  1. I got a root canal on Wednesday, and I kept waiting for it to hurt. The endodontist's office called to check in, and I actually asked them if that was normal. Yeah, they said. Some people are fine.
  2. I only have one script pre-written, and it's for a video I want to film at the library.

I have other ideas, of course, I just couldn't choose? The videos that are hitting right now are: my unboxing of Pockets; this one about doing time-based projects; and the most random, most popular video on my entire channel, silently folding an accordion zine.

It feels like just enough information to make me question all my future plans. What should I be making in order to capitalize on this attention? I made a new, longer accordion video, but it didn't go anywhere. Don't worry about the ~algo, right? But I must admit it's in the back of my head.

Yesterday, I did some co-working with an internet friend and spent much of that time setting up a co-working stream. They're very appealing to me. I've enjoyed co-working streams from other creators. But, whew, I really hate the aesthetic of every online workspace with a pomodoro timer. It's like how all the lofi videos on YouTube are the same. If I knew just a little bit more code, I'd make my own thing.

Oh! Speaking of knowing a little bit more code. A different internet friend discovered a problem with this website. Apparently the subscribe box has never worked. No wonder my list hasn't grown since I imported it, lol. I spent too much time trouble-shooting yesterday and finally discovered PikaPods has a whole separate email tab that I never setup. It's working now. Go forth and subscribe!

I also edited my Ghost tutorial, if you've been thinking about getting back into blogging. Now is a great time; it's Blaugust!
