• about Tumblr is how posts never disappear. Even when the original poster deletes that one post or their whole blog, if it was reblogged, it remains. What this means is that posts never stop circulating. Apparently people on Instagram think it's weird if you like their photo if it's not recent, but Tumblr doesn't care. In fact, we celebrate the post's anniversary.
  • about summer nights is sitting underneath an open window.
  • about grocery shopping is wandering the aisles and discovering something new. A confession: I bought instant coffee the other day because it was on clearance price, and I'm kinda loving it. I spent a lot of last December thinking about buying an espresso machine, and now I'm thinking, what if I just drink instant?
  • about morning pages is that it lets good ideas surface in the garbage pile that is my brain. That's what happened this morning on my zine stream. I had no plan for what I was going to make, so I did morning pages first, and halfway through, there it was: the idea. This is what I'm going to make for the jam.
  • about summer is not working. Something that I hate about summer is not getting paid.
  • about today is that tomorrow is a holiday. (Apparently it's a fireworks holiday?)
  • about blogging is that there are no rules. You can write an essay with paragraphs or just a list of sentences.

something that I love