I didn't realise I didn't post yesterday until 12:38 this morning. I was lying in bed and thought, "Wait." Yeah, I missed a day.

There's a lot of advice out there imploring you never break your streak. "No zero days" is my least favourite of all. Sometimes you need a day on the couch or in your pyjamas. My chronic illnesses mean that sometimes I physically need those off days. But sometimes you just want a break, and that's OK, too.

The most important part of any time-based challenge, whether daily or weekly or monthly, is not the streak. It's that you start again. It's that you continue. I just made a whole video about this topic, actually.

Seeing a streak of checks or Xs feels great; I don't deny this. But if breaking that streak makes you want to give up forever, then the checkmarks aren't helping you. I'm imploring you to pick it up again and don't worry too much about how it looks.

At the end of the Blaugust challenge, maybe I'll have 30 blog posts to look back on. That's a solid A+, if we were marking the month like a multiple choice test, and it feels a lot better than having 0.

Thankfully, no one is actually marking me here. This is my space to write and post, send some thoughts out into the world. I'm happy to be read at all, and the number of words or posts doesn't change that feeling.

oops no posts