It's Sunday! It's zine time!

I've been—if you haven't noticed—really struggling this past week. I haven't been working as much because my students are on summer vacation, and without that incentive to leave the house, I just haven't. It's been really hard to find the motivation or energy for anything, even the things I love. That's what depression is. It's not sadness; it's just nothing.

But I've been making a zine every Sunday since the end of June. I haven't missed one yet. And streaming is easier than making a video (no editing). Streaming I can do in my pjs.

Less than two weeks for Sunday Zine Jam #1. You still have tons of time to make a zine. I started mine last week and finished it today. If I can't make myself do something, we do it live.

Pools by Jess Driscoll

It's seven reviews of pools from my life, written as the person I was when I loved them the most. The Newton Wave Pool when I was 9. Grandview Pool when it opened in 2016. White Rock Beach when I first moved to the city. I haven't been swimming yet this summer, and wow do I miss it.

This is my love letter to swimming holes (because they're not all technically pools I know it's ok).

jump in the water's fine