joy cometh in the morning

The seventh edition of the Sunday Zine jam started this morning. I almost never decide the theme ahead of time. Usually, I wake up, and something in the world pings me as a good word. Jam #6 was FOG because I woke up, and it was foggy outside.
On Saturday, I read this Tumblr post:
Guys, gals, genderless beings of divine origin, share your fuckin joys. You’re gonna feel weird about it because of The Horrors but it’s important I’m actually so fucking serious right now. Wear your joy like armor against the onslaught of bullshit.
And right now, that's what we need. It was sunny here all day Saturday, and February 1 is Imbolc, the start of spring, so I picked this photo of flowers, and because February is a perfect 28 days this year, the jam started on a 2nd and ends on the next 2nd, in March. Four weeks to come up with something joyful and fold it into a zine. I hope you join us.
Today on the stream, I finished up a new template to add to my little bundle. It's a workbook in the shape of a minizine, with empty boxes for your reader to fill in themselves, inspired by my zine, what's next? (Watch me fill out the workbook in this video. The hockey game was amazing, btw)
Microcosm has declared 2025 the Year of Zines, and I'm so in. What are you going to make?