If there's one thing about me, I'm gonna give a project a name. (Have you heard about Sunday Zine?) So when I see other people around the internet coming up with projects with fun names, I want in.

My first NaNoWriMo was 2008. NaNo has inspired most of my time-based projects, especially NaMaZiMo: National Make a Zine Month. I just didn't have a novel in me anymore. There's Inktober for drawing, Vlogmas happens every December, and right now, July, is International Zine Month.

You might have noticed I write a monthly post for a project called the Indieweb Blog Carnival. A blog carnival was an ancient practice to connect bloggers, back when we were all writing on our own website and not on a social platform. Each blogger would take turns hosting, designating a theme and publishing a collection of the submissions. There's still time to write something for July's Indieweb carnival. The theme is tools.

It was months ago now, but I discovered Blaugust and immediately pasted the link into a draft to remind myself to come back and do this one. The name—it's just too good. Blaugust is simple: write a blog post every day in August. But also: just write one blog post in August. Try writing one blog post a week in August. But write. And then post. That's also a win.

There's a lot more to read at that Blaugust post I linked. There are themes and prompts if that'll help you. But mostly I want to get you thinking about how you can blog more. Let me know if you're gonna join in, and I'll add you to my RSS.

See you back here in Blaugust. If it goes well, we'll bring back NaMaZiMo next November, too.

it's almost blaugust