except that my energy and motivation completely tanked at the beginning of the month. I feel tired all the time. I didn't make a video this week. Nothing sounds interesting. I've spent most of my August days scrolling Tumblr and playing games on my phone.

But last night, in bed, I remembered that I hadn't written a blog post. And when I looked at the clock, it was only 10:30. So I had time. I wrote that post in bed on my phone (even though, I gotta tell you, the Ghost interface sucks on mobile). Just a handful of words, but a little story from my life.

I just looked up from my phone tonight and saw that it was 10:30 again. So I had time to write this post.

Because we keep trying. We take small steps. Today kinda sucked, too. But maybe tomorrow will be better. That's why.

I don't know what to tell you