I'm feeling it; my brain is getting excited about doing a co-working stream, and it's all I've been thinking about this week. My classes were cancelled yesterday, the Friday of a holiday long weekend. Most of my students told us they would be absent—but then a couple just didn't show up. Which means my last work day was Tuesday, and I'm honestly a little out of sorts.

I didn't sit down with my laptop to write this blog post until 4:30. I washed some dishes this morning. A pretty good habit I've got going is washing dishes while the kettle boils for coffee. It's a nice duration of time. I do what I can, so I stay on top of things, but I don't force myself to do it all.

Now that I'm on my laptop, of course, I'm looking up café ambiance videos, testing timer apps, thinking about how to create a task list on-screen.

To celebrate International Zine Month in July, I did weekly readings from my zine catalogue. Unfortunately, these videos were not at all popular, compared to the rest, so I don't think I'm gonna continue, like I had planned. I'll come back to it again for IZM next July, but I think my energy is better directed somewhere else. These co-working streams could be the thing to replace it.

Right now, I'm planning the first for Tuesday morning. If you're into it, I'd love to see you there.

a wild hyperfixation appears